Monday, October 19, 2015

The Election on Last Week Tonight

In case you haven't seen this yet:


The Mound of Sound said...

Hi, Marie. Thanks. I 'cut the cable' recently and I do miss HBO, especially Oliver. Now, I don't know you that well but, let me guess. I don't think you voted for Stephen Harper. I don't mean to intrude, just...

Marie Snyder said...

I don't have cable either - I just subscribe to clips of the show on YouTube. And, no I've never voted for the cons. I have to say I got a weird rush of.. gratitude? relief? something ... when I saw the pics of Trudeau in the subway actually making physical contact with real people. I know it's just another political manipulation, but it's a genius move on their part following a leader who was so standoffish. And knowing that it's manufactured doesn't entirely diminish the effectiveness of the photo op. Ding dong the witch is dead!